

Answers to your questions

What is the formaldehyde?

It is a substance used for the production of many adhesives and resins, which then are used during the working of wood panels. Those panels can release into the environment some gaseous formaldehyde molecules. This emission, detrimental to health, is regulated in many countries by specific laws and regulations. In Europe, for example, the current limit is set at 0,1 ppm and the corresponding panel is called E1.

What is the meaning of water-repellent?

In the furniture field are water-repellent those chipboard, MDF or “raw” multilayer panels that resist for a certain period (determinate from the regulations) to the swelling caused by water in the wood fibers. This resistance is not absolute and it exists a scale of value; the maximum value of resistance is V100, that corresponds to the definition of water-repellent panel. Of course other factors such as the kind of melamine and the gluing/sealing of the edges contribute to the water resistance of the panels.

What is the satinizing?

It is the finish of a metal surface by high speed rotating steel brushes. Handles, steel countertops, profiles and aluminum edges are subjected to this aesthetic treatment.

What is the serigraphy?

It is a particular printing method in which the ink passes through the meshes of a silk fabric, previously closed in the non-printing areas. With the glass, through further step of heating at high temperatures, the serigraphy can be indelible merging together with the glass.

What is the plating?

Operation of coating a raw panel with various materials such as laminate, PVC, veneer, etc.